Health From The Sun The Total Efa, 1200 Mg, Soft Gels 180 Ea

Dietary Supplement. Essential fatty acid nutritional oils. Pharmaceutical grade. Meets your daily EFA needs. Flax, Fish & Borage Oils. Omega-3, 6, 9. Health From The Sun The Total EFA supplies your daily needs for Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) in an ideal ratio of Omega-3 and Omega-6 from pharmaceutical grade certified organic Flax oil, molecularly distilled Fish oil and Borage Oil. Compare the essential fatty acid profile of The Total EFA with other so-called blends or balanced oils and you will see that The Total EFA meets more of your EFA needs. With 288 mg Omega-6 GLA per day, Omega-3 ALA, EPA and DHA, plus Omega-9 Fatty Acids, The Total EFA is a comprehensive, well-balanced blend of EFA nutritional oils. Health from the Sun The Total EFA is independently tested to guarantee purity and truth-in-labeling. Manufactured following Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs).